The tills are ringing…

This is the sound that a sale has been closed. There were several reasons that motivated you to start your own business, but making money was and remains the most important. Making money is second to none – if you’re not making money, then you don’t have a viable startup.

Selling is not begging, nor is it misleading. It is simply a transaction where you receive payment for providing a product/service that is solving a problem by meeting the needs and desires of your customers. Don King the infamous boxer promoter and skilled sales man said ‘you never get what you deserve. You get what you negotiate’.
So you need to:

  • Get comfortable with discussing your price. Your customers want to know, so don’t be embarrassed
  • Get comfortable with discussing the value you are creating with your customers – own what your #startup is good at
  • Get comfortable with knowing when to walk away, if you’re not going to get what you deserve